Formaldehyde oxime is a compound formed by the action of carbonyl-containing aldehydes, ketones and hydroxylamine. This compound can form a brown-red compound with manganese in an alkaline solution. The absorbance of this brown-red compound can be measured. The content of manganese is obtained by the formula.
Through this property, it can be used to detect the total manganese content in drinking water or other water sources. The minimum detection mass is 1.0ug. If a 50mL water sample is taken for determination, the minimum detection mass concentration is 0.02mg/L.
1. Conical flask 100mL
2. Colorimetric tube with stopper 50mL
3. Spectrophotometer
1. Nitric acid
2. Potassium Persulfate
3. Sodium sulfite
4. Ferrous ammonium sulfate solution
Weigh 700 mg of ferrous ammonium sulfate, add 10 mL of sulfuric acid solution (1+9), and dilute to 1000 mL with laboratory-grade pure water.
5. Sodium hydroxide solution (160g/L)
Weigh 160 g of sodium hydroxide, dissolve it in laboratory first-grade pure water, and dilute to 1000 mL.
6. Disodium EDTA solution (372g/L)
Weigh 37.2 g of disodium EDTA, add about 50 mL of sodium hydroxide solution, stir until completely dissolved, and dilute to 100 mL with laboratory first-grade pure water.
7. Formaldehyde oxime solution
Weigh 10g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride and dissolve it in about 50mL of laboratory first-grade pure water, add 5mL of formaldehyde solution, dilute to 100mL with laboratory first-grade pure water, and store the reagent in a cool place for at least 1 month.
8. Ammonia solution (0.88g/mL)
Measure 70 mL of ammonia water, and then dilute to 200 mL with laboratory-grade pure water.
9. Hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution (417g/L)
Weigh 41.7g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution in laboratory first-grade pure water and dilute to 100ml.
10. Ammonia Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution
The above ammonia solution and hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution were mixed in equal volumes.
11. Manganese standard stock solution (1mg/mL)
Weigh 1.2912g of manganese oxide or 1.000g of metal manganese, add nitric acid (1+1) to dissolve, and use laboratory first-grade pure water to dilute to 1000mL.
12. Manganese standard solution (10ug/L)
Pipette 5.00mL manganese standard stock solution and dilute to 500mL with laboratory first-grade pure water.